Energy News | Solar Redding CA | Next Level Energy | Redding Solar Installer


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Filed Under: renewable energy, solar, solar energy, solar energy system, solar installation, solar loan, solar loans, solar panel, solar panel agreements, solar panel ownership, solar panel system, solar renting,

Should You Lease or Loan Your Solar Panels?

Posted on: June 21, 2019 - by: admin

Solar panel lending or a PPA agreement basically means you are renting the solar panel from the manufacturer and that the manufacturer still owns the solar panel. On the other hand, if you install your solar panel system on a loan agreement, then it belongs to you. It can be pretty difficult to make the […]

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Filed Under: renewable energy, solar, solar energy, solar energy system, solar installation, solar loans, solar panel, solar panel system, solar renting,

Is Renting Sun-Based System Always The Best Thing To Do?

Posted on: June 14, 2019 - by: admin

In recent years, third-party sun-based renting has become extremely popular, which has played a major role in propelling rooftop sun-based systems into the prevailing current thought. According to the SEIA, at the beginning of 2014, solar renting/PPA financed about 50% to 90% of the rooftop sun based system installations based on the state. It can […]

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Filed Under: mono panel, Monocrystalline solar panels, poly panel, Polycrystalline solar panels, solar, solar benefit, solar manufacturers, solar panel, solar panel companies,

Mono Vs. Poly Solar Explained

Posted on: June 12, 2019 - by: admin

The sun has always had the potential to be of solar benefit to mankind.  Ever since humans knew that the sun has energy in it that can be used to our benefits, we have been looking into ways by which this can be achieved. It began in the 17th century when the Greeks and Romans […]

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Filed Under: solar, solar company, solar energy, solar energy system, solar installation, solar manufacturer, solar panel, solar panel companies, solar panel cost, solar panel types, solar system loan, sun-based power system,

Which is Advisable, Buying or Renting Your Solar Panels?

Posted on: June 7, 2019 - by: admin

Your specific financial objectives determine your choice on how to finance your sun-based power system. The primary difference between purchasing and renting a sun-based PV system is in possession. Purchasing a sun-based power system (either by paying directly with cash or paying off a solar system loan) gives you full ownership of the system. The […]